Showing posts with label Wealth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wealth. Show all posts

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Case Study 18: Gautam Adani: Asia's Richest Man Lost His Crown

 Chance across the below Hindu Astrology FB Group when someone put up Gautam Adani horoscope for case study. 

Out of curiosity and knowing that Mr. Adani and his business empire have been in the news lately across the globe, to find out whether he has any of that special ZWDS Chart that made him the richest man in Asia. Upon checking the given date and time of birth it is indeed confirmed that he got a rare, special chart to his benefits and advantages.


Friday, April 30, 2021

Case Study 17: Joe Gebbia: Billionaires (Birds) of a Feather Flock Together

This Case Study of Joe Gebbia co-founder of Airbnb. He too is predicted to be born under a special chart called Power & Fame formation. 

This special chart structure is listed in Tutorial 7, No. 9 to be one of the most auspicious chart formation that brings power, fame and fortune to the chart owner, who must born in the Xin Metal Year (year ends with digit '1'). 

You need to read ZWDS v BAZI Introduction & Tutorial 1-8 to really understand the concepts, descriptions and formulas used by ZWDS 4-Enhancer Flying Star to decode a person's destiny, fate and freewill.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Case Study 16: Brian Chesky: A perfect match of Wealth Star and Palaces for Airbnb business model

This Case Study is on another similar special chart formation in comparison with previous Case Study 15 (Elon Musk) of Heaven Wealth Luck & Windfall Luck. Both must born in the Xin Metal Year (year ends with digit '1'). Please refer to Tutorial 7 to learn all the special chart formations.

In this case study, Brian Chesky's, co-founder and CEO of Airbnb, date and time of birth is predicted to be under the special chart formation of Heaven Wealth Luck & Windfall Luck. 

You need to read ZWDS v BAZI Introduction & Tutorial 1-8 to really understand the concepts, descriptions and formulas used by ZWDS 4-Enhancer Flying Star to decode a person's destiny, fate and freewill.









